Man woman and child

by Erick Segal

3.83 out of 5 based on 6 customer ratings
(6 customer reviews)

3.83 out of 5 based on 6 customer ratings
(6 customer reviews)


From Eric Segal comes an unforgettable story of love….the drama of a father and the son he never knew… And a marriage that must stand the greatest test of all. Man, Woman And Child. Bob and Sheila Beckwith had everything: rewarding careers, two wonderful daughters, and a perfect marriage… almost perfect. for what Sheila didn’t know was that Bob has once been unfaithful-only once, ten years ago during a business trip to France. What Bob didn’t know was that his brief affair produced a son. Now a tragic accident-and one fateful phone call-will change Bob and Sheila’s life forever..

Genre, Romance

About The Author

Born in Brooklyn in 1937, Erich Segal is a graduate from Harvard with a B.A. degree, as well as a Masters and a Doctorate. He started off as an academic writer in the field of classical literature. The book that made him famous is Love Story and it was published in 1970 and has sold over 21 million copies worldwide. He has seven other romantic bestsellers under his sleeve and in 1989, he was awarded the Legion d’Honneur by the French government. He died in London in 2010 and was married and had two children.

6 reviews for Man woman and child

  1. 3 out of 5

    “Good Reading”

  2. 4 out of 5

    “Man, Woman and Child” by Erich Segal has a very powerful story with varying emotions such as love, compassion, jealousy, betrayal and hurt between a man, woman and a child. Simply put, it is a triangle of emotion that is formed here through the book. Life can take unexpected turns at various points, but how the turn is endured forms the core premise in the book. Each individual has their own ways of living and showing the world that they are not dependent on anybody. This is shown best by this little boy who spends all his free time mastering Shakespeare, history, science to enable him to pursue the dream which his mother had seen for him. A true true masterpiece. The more important aspect in the book is the way in which it maps the development of relationships and breakdowns between people due to a single incident. The story unfolds beautifully and if there was one book by Erich Segal you must read, let it be this one!

  3. 5 out of 5

    Ceritanya benar-benar memilin emosi, sangat manusiawi..Jean-Claude seorang anak yg berpikiran dewasa dan cerdas, tidak seperti anak-anak seumuran denganya. Sebatang kara, setelah kematian Ibunya, terancam bakal diambil pemerintah, akhirnya sahabat ibunya memutuskan sementara menyelamatkan masa depannya (dg mencarikan sekolah asrama) menitipkan kepada sahabat ibunya yg lain di Massachusetts, yaitu Bob. Menghabiskan liburan musim panas di cape town bersama keluarga Bob, Jane merasa senang, dengan rasa persahabatan dari kedua puri Bob, Paula dan Jessica, juga keramahan istri Bob, Sheila. Jane merasa bahagia bisa mengenal Bob, karena Bob mengingatkan Jane akan ayah yg tidak kenalnya (Ibunya sering bercerita, Ayah Jane merupakan laki-laki penyayang, cerdas dan lucu). Ketika sore Jane beranjak pulang ke rumah habis membca buku histori di tepi pantai, Paula dan Jess tiba-tiba menyerangnya dan merentetinyya dg kata-kata yg tidak diuga Jane, bahwa Jane adalah ayah-ayahnya dan jane berniat merampas ayah mereka dri kehidupan mereka. Jane bgung, terkejut dan tidak meyangka, meringis kesakitan setelah berhasil dilerai Sheila, jane berlari kekamarnya.Cerita kompleks keluarga, Sheila yg dg bijaksana dan tidak begitu egois mengizinkan Bob membawa anak hasil selingkuhannya, Bob yg diam-diam mencintai Jane..Sheila yg memaafkan Bob. Dan jane yg tidak mendendam ayahnya, dan makin mencintai Bob..Keutuhan sebuah kelurga memnag bisa diukur dari ketegaran mereka dalam tetap memaafkan, kepercayaan, dan kasih syang 

  4. 4 out of 5

    In this book, it’s neither the man, nor the woman, but the child Jean-Claude who grabbed me the most, by his robustness and resilience, and by his dignity.After his mother’s accidental death in France, Jean-Claude arrives in Boston, to meet his biological father Robert Beckwith, who has his own happy family, but met Jean-Claude’s mother on an academic trip to Montpellier in France. He is still a child, but he knows his place in his father’s life, and does everything he can not to perturb his family, yet seeks out the natural parental protection after his mother dies.Through discretion and devotion, he manages to win the heart of his father’s family, even reconcile his father from his estranged wife over the exposition of this illicit affair, and gains a position of ‘leader‘ among his father’s children, by managing to pacify that hooligan on the football field by non-violent means.Robert’s feeling for his illicit son is tested to its limits when Jean-Claude falls sick and nearly perishes. It pushes Robert to reconsider his relation with his family seriously, and his stagnated life, but the same incident also brings the best out his wife’s heart, and she falls for Jean-Claude as her own son.But Jean-Claude wants to keep his mother’s wish: to go to a school in France his mother always wanted. When the boarding gate closes behind Jean-Claude, Robert manages to smile again, in the midst of his tears. And, I realized, I was doing the same, because the page was all wet!! 

  5. 3 out of 5

    Great story…wonder if he based this on someone he knew, the story was what I imagined his life was like. Academics, and universities, and middle-aged marriages…and the things we do in life.

  6. 4 out of 5

    Robert is contacted one day by a friend in France, who tells him that Nicole, a woman with whom Robert had had an affair years ago, has died – and Jean-Claude, the son Robert never knew he had, is now an orphan. That evening, Robert explains the situation to his wife, Sheila, and they agree to take in Jean-Claude for the summer holidays; however, they also agree to keep Jean-Claude’s true identity a secret.Later that summer, Sheila, a journalist, is tempted by the possibility of an affair with an author she has been interviewing. At the same time, Jessica and Paula discover Jean-Claude’s true identity, through Davey Ackerman, Robert’s friend’s son. They refuse to speak to their parents.As the Beckwiths are bringing Jean-Claude to the airport to return to France, he suddenly falls ill and is hospitalized. After surgery, during which the Beckwiths become closer again, he makes a full recovery.At last, the whole family come to terms with Jean-Claude and would like him to live with them. However, Jean-Claude refuses politely, for he has to go to the school in France chosen by his mother years before.

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